Female Names That Start With O: So I am trying to give you all these Female Names That Start With O, some are unique, some are popular, so they will be very wonderful for you. For some names, I want to tell you that researching a name is a very complex task, but I will give you some tips and tricks so that you can keep a better and good name and I will try to give you many such lists as well, so let’s start.
Female Names That Start With O:-
Name Meaning Olivia Olive tree, peace Ophelia Help, serpent Odessa Long journey Octavia Eighth, noble Oriana Golden, dawn Olympia From Mount Olympus Opal Precious stone Orla Golden princess Odette Wealth, fortune Olive Olive tree, symbol of peace
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| A | B | C |
Name Meaning Ocean Sea, vast Opaline Opal-like, gemstone Orianna Golden, sunrise Odalys Wealth, prosperous Ona Graceful, delicate Ondine Water spirit Oralia Golden, light Olympia From Mount Olympus Ottilie Wealth, fortune Orlaith Golden princess
Name Meaning Odella Wealthy, fortunate Olwen White footprint Orinda Gold, beautiful Oksana Praise to God Ophelie Help, support Olivine Olive, green gemstone Odalys Wealth, prosperous Ottoline Prosperous in battle Orenda Magic power Osanna Praise, supplication
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| G | H | I |
Name Meaning Orlena Golden, bright Oleana Sunshine, light Ophira Gold, rich Orabelle Beautiful seacoast Olympia From Mount Olympus Odetta Wealth, fortune Oona Unity, oneness Odelia I will praise the Lord Oleen Bright, shining Orabella Beautiful gold
Name Meaning Orianne Golden, dawn Odeline Wealthy, prosperous Ozara Treasure, wealth Olea Olive tree, symbol of peace Ondina Little wave Orna Pine tree, joy Orinthia Bird-like, swift Odessa Long journey Ovidia Shepherd, guardian Olympe From Mount Olympus
Name Meaning Orli Light, my light Olivette Olive tree, symbol of peace Ornella Flowering ash tree Olesia Defender, protector Orianne Golden, dawn Ottilia Wealth, fortune Odelina Little wealthy one Osanna Praise, supplication Olwyn White footprint Ozara Treasure, wealth
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| K | M | O |
Name Meaning Orinthia Bird-like, swift Ophelia Help, serpent Ovidia Shepherd, guardian Octavie Eighth, noble Orlaith Golden princess Olyvia Olive tree, symbol of peace Oleandra Defending man Ottavia Eighth, noble Orielle Golden, dawn Osanna Praise, supplication
Name Meaning Olia Olive tree, symbol of peace Olwyn White footprint Orabel Beautiful seacoast Orlin Golden, bright Oleen Bright, shining Orva Friend of peace Olyvia Olive tree, symbol of peace Oralie Golden, light Opaline Opal-like, gemstone Orianna Golden, sunrise
Name Meaning Oriel Golden, dawn Odessa Long journey Orina Peaceful, quiet Oksana Praise to God Olivine Olive, green gemstone Odetta Wealth, fortune Oriane Golden, sunrise Ornelle Flowering ash tree Oleandra Defending man Ozara Treasure, wealth
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| P | V | Z |
Name Meaning Olympia From Mount Olympus Odelia I will praise the Lord Orabella Beautiful gold Olivette Olive tree, symbol of peace Orli Light, my light Ovidia Shepherd, guardian Oleana Sunshine, light Orinda Gold, beautiful Orianne Golden, dawn Odella Wealthy, fortunate
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| Y | U | Q |
Final Words:- So how were all these Female Names That Start With O for you, what would be your opinion about this, you can tell us that so that I can try to give the name in a better way and in a good way, I hope that all these names have benefited you a lot, you can keep the name as you want so that you can keep a better and very wonderful name, I hope that you must have liked all the names in this list very much, whatever name you want to keep, you can try to keep that name, so I hope you like all the names